Posts in Wildlife

painted bunting denise blough

Research aims to tackle problems measuring biodiversity change

We’ve all heard about dwindling biodiversity across the planet, but it turns out scientists have a difficult[…]

A big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in Ashley, Ohio.

It’s a scary time for bats

While a spooky symbol of Halloween, bats around the world are facing threats of extinction. Bryan Carstens,[…]

Diving into sea anemone research

Heather Glon has trouble keeping her head above water — mainly because her research requires her to travel[…]

dee boersma penguins

A look at the “Jane Goodall of penguins”

Dee Boersma has been called the Jane Goodall of penguins. An adorably curious, roughly 2-foot-tall Magellanic penguin[…]

map predicting risk

Machine learning helps predict endangered plant species

There are many organizations monitoring endangered species such as elephants and tigers, but what about the millions[…]

Venom researchers making powerful discoveries

For wild animals, life is all about survival. And most don’t have the luxury of cheetah-fast speed[…]

coral reef

Exploring approaches to save coral reefs — right here in Ohio

With their unique structures and breathtaking colors, coral reefs are one of the world’s most inspiring and[…]

butterfly collection

Triplehorn Insect Collection asks public to help label Arctic butterflies

Butterflies are among the many species vulnerable to climate change, with even slight shifts in environment affecting[…]