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The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), a particle detector built in an underground cavern in Cessy, France, on top of the Large Hadron Collider. 

Physicists uncover new behavior of elusive Higgs boson particle

It’s been six years since scientists confirmed the existence of a long-theorized particle called the Higgs boson,[…]

Venom researchers making powerful discoveries

For wild animals, life is all about survival. And most don’t have the luxury of cheetah-fast speed[…]

Ohio State astrophysicists involved in stellar discovery

Scientists are finding galaxies billions of light years away from Earth, yet there are still discoveries to[…]

coral reef

Exploring approaches to save coral reefs — right here in Ohio

With their unique structures and breathtaking colors, coral reefs are one of the world’s most inspiring and[…]

ice core

Tibetan ice core could reveal more than 600,000 years of climate history

Researchers from The Ohio State University are studying the oldest ice core ever drilled outside of the[…]

butterfly collection

Triplehorn Insect Collection asks public to help label Arctic butterflies

Butterflies are among the many species vulnerable to climate change, with even slight shifts in environment affecting[…]

Husband finds solace in remembering through journaling

Amid a month of pink ribbons, feel-good stories and advertisements with smiling cancer patients, it’s easy to[…]

wild horses and burros

Veterinarian, engineer team up to design contraceptive approach for wild horses

While we’re often concerned with the population decline of certain species, there are some animals that thrive[…]