
leatherback hatchling sccf

Endangered Species Spotlight: Leatherback

The federally endangered leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is the largest turtle species on Earth and the only[…]

piping plover

Endangered Piping Plover Sighted on Sanibel

Federally endangered piping plovers normally live five or six years, but one female in the Great Lakes[…]

nubbins the sea turtle

3-Flippered Sea Turtle Nests on Sanibel

Nubbins is a special sea turtle who SCCF had the joy of encountering in May as she[…]

diamondback terrapin

FWC Rule Aims to Reduce Terrapin Bycatch

Drowning in crab traps is a major threat to diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin), and as of March[…]

tricolored bat

USFWS-funded project helps track endangered Ohio bats

White-nose syndrome is wiping out Ohio’s tri-colored bat populations, and researchers are racing to understand more about[…]

A Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Image courtesy Corey Wycoff and the Toledo Zoo.

Ohio, Michigan partner to conserve threatened Blanding’s turtles

Having roamed the Earth for around 200 million years — including through the last mass extinction event[…]

Image courtesy Viorel Popescu, Ohio University

Charting the future of Ohio’s bobcats

It took more than a century for bobcats to return to Ohio after being wiped out by[…]

Gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)

5 things to know about squirrels in Ohio

Squirrels are essentially everywhere in Ohio. They’re so common, they’re almost invisible — most people don’t think[…]

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